Okay, I don't know if one of these questions is newbie, but the other
probably is. The main question is this, I just recently recieved a copy of
Complete Linux 6.0 as a gift. I of course installed it, and then booted it
up. The install had no problem, however, when I booted into it, it had
problems finding module dependencies, sound would not work at all, Apache
wouldn't start, and a few other things. I then, went ahead and downloaded
it, yes, downloaded all 500 megs over a 33.6 modem. Installed that, and all
worked just fine, so how can I make it so I can use the CD to install.

Second question, if I must redownload Mandrake, how would I Download a
minimal install? What I mean by that, is X, PPP, the usual development
tools, soundcfg...but leaving out all the other stuff, like Perl, and
Apache, and WU-FTPD. I want to install these things myself...to get a feel
for doing it. Thanks in advance for any help.

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