Robert Benson wrote:
> Hi
> My US Robotics 56kb V.90 modem runs at 49000 in windows 95, but only 37333
> in Linux. What am I missing here. Is their a setting I missed. Thanks for
> any help.

Most modems will automatically retrain to their highest transfer speeds
depending on the conditions of the line during the call.  It's likely
that when you first dial up, the connection might be "dirty" and cause a
slower speed.

Do the transfer speeds reflect a constant 3.73k connection or do they
get higher as you use the connection?

One other thing you can check...  You'll need to know the /dev/ttyS<X>
of your modem (ttyS0 = COM1, ttyS1 = COM2, etc).  Try this before
bringing up the connection:

        setserial /dev/ttyS<X> spd_vhi

Does that affect the connection speed and transfer speeds for you?

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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