On Fri, 1 Oct 2004 10:09, Paul Kaplan wrote:
> Yes, but how were you able to do the install?  Did you avoid installing any
> kde packages and then install kde afterwards, or is there a way to install
> 3.3 during the 10.1 setup...I didn't see any kde3.3 packages during the
> package selection phase of the installation.
> P

Sorry, should have spelt that out more clearly.

You do not have the option of installing kde3.3 during the initial install, 
because 3.2.3 is the officially supported version of kde for 10.1, Mandrake 
doesn't want a lot of support calls from paying customers complaining that 
their kde3.3 is acting strange :-)  

Instead you have to add the kde3.3 directory as a rpm source after you finish 
your installation, and either upgrade from 3.2.3, or do a clean install.  
Which you choose depends on what packages you use.  I already had everything 
installed, so the upgrade got messy due to changes in the package naming and 
dependencies, and I instead did it clean.  Careful package selection, 
however, could see you do a successful upgrade and avoid the quirks from a 
clean install.

The biggest problem seems to be with kdm (the initial gui log-in screen) 
getting screwed up, i.e. keyboard stops working, doesn't actually let you 
log-in, etc.  To avoid this, at 10.1 install, or from the MCC, do not choose 
the option to start with a gui, instead log-in at the command line and use 
startx.  I'll find a solution to the problem when I have more time.

Another problem is with the kdepim packages. Mandrake ship 10.1 / kde3.2.3 
with the stand-alone release of kdepim from 3.3, packaged as version 7 of 
kdepim3.3.  This works by including some kde3.3 library files that are 
missing in 3.2 in the kdepim-3.3.0-7 packages.  This however cause those rpms 
to clash with the proper library files in kdelibs3.3, so the kde3.3 directory 
has the proper version of kdepim3.3, but this is labelled as version 5.  So 
make sure that you install kdepim-3.3.0-5, not kdepim-3.3.0-7.

Note also that Quanta is now packaged as kdewebdev, and that some of the old 
kdeutils are now in kdelibs.

So, Plan A, the clean install.  Do a new 10.1 install, but when it comes to 
package selection, don't choose KDE, only choose Gnome or a lightweight 
desktop manager (or even none, if you're comfortable with the command line).  
After 10.1 installation finishes, reboot and go into the control centre and 
add kde3.3 as a source, then add all the 3.3 packages you require (see below 
for kdepim stuff).  This all but avoids any dependency problems.  

One quirk with Plan A is that the first time wizard does not run, so you are 
left with things not set up properly or missing, like no Documents folder (go 
into the KDE Configuration/System/Paths and hit the defaults button should 
fix it), but that's just a matter of wading through the Configuration 
manually which I do anyway :-)

Plan B, the upgrade of a minimal 3.2.3 install.  When doing the 10.1 install, 
choose to install kde, but go into the individual package selection and 
unselect as many kde packages as possible, but especially kdepim, kdeutils 
and quanta.  Finish your install, reboot, log into kde 3.2.3 to do your first 
time set-up.  Add kde3.3 as a rpm source, then logout and either use the 
command line or log-in using gnome and proceed to update the base kde 
packages to 3.3, then add any other kde packages you require.

Of course, if you have an existing 10.1 install with kde3.2.3 that works well, 
you could achieve the same result by un-installing some/all of the kde3.2.3 
packages, but I was doing the new install anyway so that's the way I've 
documented it.



P.S. A hint when doing a new distribution install.  I create 2 new users, the 
first is my real user "john", the second a temporary user "install" or "test" 
or something like that.  I then use the second user for all the initial 
messing around doing set-up and config so I don't mess up my real user.

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