On Sunday 03 Oct 2004 13:40, Lanman wrote:

> Simon, Check to see if you have "hotplug" installed and that it's
> starting at boot time, 
It was installed but not running or set to start at boot. I have now set it to 
run at boot and it is doing so.

> then make sure that you've configured your 
> desktop to display your mountable device icons - otherwise they may
> mount, but they won't show up on the desktop.
> Check for the mountable icons in Kcontrol>Look'n'Feel>behavior. Check
> the third tab especially and make sure that the checkbox is checked.

I have done that.(There doesn't seem to be a specific icon for USB Flash 
I rebooted and plugged in the USB drive, its led flickered but no icon on the 
desktop and when I checked the device had not been mounted????


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