On Tue, 5 Oct 2004 18:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to install the 10.1 release of Mandrake on my new notebook. I
> would like to partition my HD so I will not have to format partition with
> my data each time I try to fully reinstall linux distribution.
> My question is, how I should partition my HD and what directories should be
> on which partition?

Here's how my 60Gb laptop, mostly desktop and developement work, is 
partitioned up for Mdk10.1:

/mnt/winxp      ntfs    6Gb
/mnt/winshare   vfat    1Gb
/boot                   rfs     200Mb
/opt                    rfs     0.5Gb
/var                    rfs     1.5Gb
/tmp                    rfs     1Gb
swap                    swap    768Mb
/                       rfs     0.5Gb
/usr                    rfs     7.5Gb
/home           rfs     2Gb
/mnt/share      rfs     35.5Gb

Where rfs = reiserfs, said by many to be the best journallng system for 
partitions with lots and lots of small files, but I don't want to start a fs 
flame-war here, either reiser of ext3 will do.

The major points are:

1)  You should keep /tmp seperate to prevent rougue programs filling up your 
entire drive with tmp files, but keep it large enough for CD burning a full 
iso image.

2)  Make /home as big as you (and any other users) need it.  I keep my very 
personal files, like letters and tax and stuff on /home to keep from prying 
eyes, but everything else like mp3's and photos and GIS data goes 
on /mnt/share for everyone to use.  When I do re-install, they are the only 
partitions that don't get nuked.  These are getting so full, I'm 
contemplating an external 80Gb 2.5" usb2 drive to farm some files off to (not 
to mention the 40 CD's of files already in the cupboard :-)

3)  /var keep seperate if you're doing any messing around with web and mail 
servers and stuff like that, especially if you are serving to the internet.  
Size for ever how big you need to serve, I've been trying different CMS 
systems lately, so it's about 1Gb used.  Otherwise it can go on / .

4)  The rest could probably just go under a single / partition, but I keep 
them separate so that I don't fill the entire drive with junk in /usr and 
cause space shortages when I really need it in / (I'm forever trying out new 
stuff and never uninstalling, bad I know :-)  My 7.5Gb /usr is 99.9% full, so 
if you install lots of games from contrib/plf, you may want an extra 0.5Gb, 
otherwise it can be 2-3Gb smaller if you don't install the games or many 
other packages.  /opt isn't much used by Mdk so could definately be on one 
partition with /, and the /boot I only have separate for historic reasons 
when Win4Lin couldn't boot from reiser.

So a "sane" partition config for a single-user geek/tinkerer/developer (like 
me), leaving plenty of room for growth, on a 20Gb or bigger drive could look 
/var                    2Gb
/tmp                    1Gb
swap                    whatever required
/                       1.0Gb
/usr                    8.0Gb
/home           2Gb (or more for extra users)
/mnt/share      whatever's left over

For an average single-user desktop/letters/surfing/games type person (like my 
Dad or sister), a config could be:
/tmp                    1Gb
swap                    whatever required
/                       8.0Gb to 10Gb
/home           2Gb (or more for extra users)
/mnt/share      whatever's left over

These are generous sizes (some might say too generous), but disk space is 
cheap, and you can size as you see fit.  It's the reasoning behind the 
partitioning that I hope you find useful.



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