Thanks folks.

Yes, I thought I might get more flack for my message than I did.
As far as the port, I have since looked at the site for thunderbird, which BTW 
works on win/mac/linux and it looks like it should be easy to move the mail.
I haven't tried it yet, and will certainly return here if I need help with it.

I do appreciate peoples willingness to offer help, even though the purpose is 

I will give you a short idea of why I am thinking of moving back to win.

I came to mandrake linux from being a long time mac user and occasional 
windows user.  I was using an ancient mac with ancient OS and wanted a much 
faster computer.  So i built a a very modest box which is vastly better than 
what I came from.  I would have stuck with mac if I had the money, but not 
really NEEDING any highend mac software (video, sound editing etc) I decided 
to give linux a try.  (yes, I know there is a tons of great linux software.)  
The experience has been good and in a lot of ways I really liked mandrake.  
However I had a lot of problems installing new software and generally trying 
to change things around.  It was terrific when I used the software that came 
with the installation.  But installing other things was really difficult for 
me.  For instance, I got my ipod working under mandrake but I couldn't 
transfer aac files.  I successfully installed a program that aloud me to me 
encode to aac but it appeared not to be compatable with the program I needed 
to move the files to the IPOD.  That is there seemed to be two different 
software programs that aloud for use of AAC files.  I installed one of them 
and got the encoding to work.  But then I seemed to need another one for 
GTKPOD to be able to transfer the files to the ipod.  This is just an 
example.  I know there was a solution and I am sure people would have helped 
me to find it eventually, but this is the kind of problems that I was having.

I can definitely reccomend Mandrake to people switching who want to do basic 
computer functions and not install allot of new software and change things 
around.  Installation was easy and the system and software were very usable.

Unfortunately I never tried the mandrake club service.  I understand that 
might have helped allot in providing ready made rmps of a lot of software.  I 
did want to try it but was just never ready to spend the money on a six month 
subscription.  I wish they offered a very short trial subscription so that 
one could see its usefullness.  I certainly would have paid $5 for instance 
to use it for a day or a few days in order to try it out.

Thanks again!

PS: just out of curiosity, is there a way to have both mandrake and windows 
running at the same time on a single processor?  I realize that this would 
greatly affect system resources, if it is even possible, but I was just 
wondering.  I currently have a dual boot setup.


On Friday 08 October 2004 08:30 pm, g2 wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am in a situation where I would like to move all the saved messages I
> have in KDE mail into a program under windows.
> I think I might be using the mozilla thunderbird.
> I do have a fat32 partition that I can see from both the linux and windows
> environments.  Can anyone explain how I might go about importing the mail
> from KDE under linux into thunderbird in windows xp?
> Thanks a bunch!
> Gideon

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