On Friday 19 November 2004 2:55 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
> On Friday 19 November 2004 21:18, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > On Friday 19 Nov 2004 15:17, Eric Scott wrote:
> > > Am I supposed to define a "mail.mydomain.org" or something?  I tried
> > > what I could find in the TWiki, the only thing that looked like it
> > > might be very useful to me was a dead link (Or Konqueror was just being
> > > pesky again). BTW, what's the Mandrake mail server setup wizard
> > > thingamaboper and how do I run it?
> > >   Thanx,
> > >                   SigmaChi
> >
> > What was the dead link?  We are still re-constructing, and if any links
> > are not working we need to know about it.
> >
> > Anne
> If people are going to send you email you must have a domain name that
> resolves to your IP address. You either pay to register a domain name, or
> you could use a dynamic DNS service from someone like dyndns.org who will
> give you one for free.
> Once you have a domain name Postfix needs to know what it is. Then any mail
> Postfix revceives addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (for example) gets passed
> to eric's local mailbox.
> derek

Yeah, I have a domain straight to my IP, sipca.org. (It's a little pesky, 
because the organization I run the server has a Windows Domain network with 
the same name.... so at the moment they can't access www.sipca.org on the web 
because every time they do it finds their Windows Domain Controller and 
think's it's www.sipca.org... blasted Windows messed things up again)  
Anyway, I might be able to figure it out with google now, but while we're on 
the topic, how do I "tell postfix" that it's running for sipca.org?  Via 
webmin, preferably, but I can handle a little config-file editing now and 
again... newbie though I be.

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