On Sunday 21 Nov 2004 18:10, rikona wrote:
> Hello Anne,
> AW> One question, Rikona.  Why would it be OK to post here as Rikona
> AW> but not on the TWiki?
> It might be OK to use it in both places. But I might, for other
> reasons, decide to adopt a new identity for my Twiki participation. If
> this new person contributes to the group, and doesn't do anything bad,
> why throw that person off?

I think that it's possible some people do use another name.  I'd like to 
think, though, that they give enough genuine details to enable us to reach 
them if for any reason it's necessary.  We are all giving up a good deal of 
time and effort to make these pages available.  By its nature the TWiki is 
vulnerable to anyone who does not care for it as we do.  Personally I do not 
feel that someone who registers an email address of whyshouldyoucare.com is 
showing a reasonable attitude.  However, that is my personal standpoint.  I 
do not have the final say in whether a poster should be removed.  FWIW, I 
think we have only booted off 3 people in the time that it has been running.  
At least 2 of them were clearly abusing the TWiki.  There is no intention of 
making this an exclusive club - just trying to protect all of us from some 
lunatic who doesn't care a damn.

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