Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>>You have a working 10.1 you could just add 9.1 to your 10.1 lilo.conf
>>Heres an aproach that has worked for me.
>>You can boot to your 10.1 and mount the 9.1 side.
>>[root]# mkdir /mnt/mdk9.1
>>[root]# mount /dev/hda7 /mnt/mdk9.1
>>Now cd to /mnt/mdk9.1 and take a look make sure it is the /
>>directory of your 9.1 and you can see /boot. If not then you need to
>>umount it and find the right /dev/hda? and mount it to /mnt/mdk9.1
>>Then you'll need to create an fstab entry for it.
>>[root]# vi /etc/fstab
>>Or your favorite editor, and create a line like this
>>/dev/hda7 /mnt/mdk9.1 ext3 defaults 1 2
>>Save the file, then create a lilo entry.
>>[root]# vi lilo.conf
>>The entry would be similar to below.
>>      label="mdk9.1"
>>      root=/dev/hda7
>>      initrd=/mnt/mdk9.1/boot/initrd.img
>>      append="acpi=ht resume=/dev/hda6 splash=no"
>>      vga=788
>>      read-only
>>and save the file then you can run lilo to test it
>>[root]# lilo -v -t
>>if no errors then you can write lilo
>>[root]# lilo
>>Then when you reboot you should have option to boot to your 9.1
> Mike's easy step by step procedure worked successfully,
> and now when I reboot I have option to boot on my 9.1,
> but with some undesired effects:
> when I try to connect to Internet with the command 'wvdial', as I did
> before,
> I get the message: 'Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: No such file or directory'.
> Besides, the command 'uname -r', which shows the kernel,
> outputs the 10.1 kernel and not the 9.1.
> Also KDE has changed: it has upgraded to the 3.2 version without I'd asked
> for this.
> I don't know if there are other such modifications,
> but I thought that two different linux partitions were to be independent
> each other,
> wheras I see that 10.1 has influenced 9.1.
> If it is so, then I can't use a second linux partition
> to experiment new releases and distributions, which was my real purpose.
> Maybe these side effects can be avoided with the more complicated procedure
> suggested by Mikkel? If not, the only way is buying a second hard disk on
> which doing experiments.
> Any hint about the connecting problem?
> Cheers,
> Rodolfo


Boot to you 10.1 and post your lilo.conf and list the contents of
/boot directory and list the contents of /etc/fstab

Also list the contents of /mnt/mdk9.1(hd7 or what ever you named

And we will see what is going on.

The set up you want is what I have now a stable version of mdk and
an experimental newer one and used to have a windows partion too,
but finally got rid of that ;-)

So it can be done on one disk.

You can reverse what you have done, and follow Mikkel's instructions
easily by see below:


If you would like to get back to where you started from all you have
to do is boot to 10.1 and remove the

/etc/fstab entry you made for 9.1
/etc/lilo.conf entry you made for 9.1

unmount the /mnt/mdk9.1 you made like
[root]# umount /dev/hda7

Then remove the mount point you made
[root]# rmdir /mnt/mdk9.1

Then run lilo
[root]# lilo -v



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