Todd Slater wrote:

On Sun, Dec 19, 2004 at 02:11:49PM +1300, SnapafunFrank wrote:


The following appears to be off topic a little, but with no response from the mozilla forum and it being mandrake I'm trying to get my company to run with, I'm hoping some kind soul here might take some time out to assist. The following is a direct copy of my posting on the other site:

I am at present trying to get Mozilla tied down in WinXP to such a state that regardless of which user opens Mozilla1.7.3 - all email is downloaded to one only folder on the computer.

At present a user needs to login into their account with a password and has installed into their settings the ability to run Mozilla. This part is OK by me.

To access the companies email they need to further enter another password to access the online account and this applies to sending email also. Again this is OK by me as it requires passwords to get there.

However, this now means that email being downloaded and sent is stored within the different user's accounts and this is not OK by company policy. The ideal is to have all the email remain together.

As this old salt doesn't play with WinXP usually, I have no idea how to achieve the above ideal situation.

Anyone care to take me through the mechanics of getting this to work?

Further, I would like to know , for future reference, how to do this within a Linux environment also as the staff here is being kind to my suggestions of at least looking at Linux.

Any helpful suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

First off, are you using IMAP? I second Stephen's recommendation to use it as your users can use any old IMAP-capable reader.

Now as to not having to have a user profile on each machine, you can set it up by specifying a network location for your profile, but
you have to set it up the first time you start Thunderbird on a new
computer on the network. I believe roaming profiles is in the works for
Mozilla, so maybe shortly you'll be able to do it conveniently. You
might find some help in the mozillazine forums... (don't know if the
mozilla forum you refer to is Usenet or online)


Thanks for your input Todd and Stephen but before I go off learning things IMAP maybe I ought to ensure that I have requested the correct info in the first place.

Please understand that this exercise involves a stand alone computer, the only one connected to the Internet, set this way to ensure no online corruption of the companies LAN system. Down the track I intent to VPN with my home computer running Mandrake10 for dwgs I do at home using this same stand alone company computer. Hence my insistence that my boss keep abreast of things I actually do with this computer he has entrusted me with. [ I got it brand new for $700NZ and he could only manage $2300NZ with his contacts, so I get to be blamed if anything goes wrong. Such is the life of senior employees these days.]

It is at present defaulted to WinXP with Mandrake installed on a second partition ready to rock and roll once I have suitably impressed the boss enough. Well, lets be fair, ' once the linux community ' has impressed the boss enough!

If what I am trying to achieve is not available with Mozilla/WinXP or Mandrake at present then maybe another way is to:
1) Ensure all user accounts have the ability to download email - turned off - within preferences.
2) Somehow lock this so that it cannot be changed. ( When it becomes Mandrake's turn to do this then I think I can do this somehow with altering the permissions upon the relevant file within user profiles. Hope so, this is still new to me but I believe achievable.)

Anyway, I'm off to see about IMAP regardless. If anyone can assist further I'd be greatly appreciative. TIA



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