On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 12:26, Hemal Detroja wrote:
> Hi
> As Java is the basic dependency for MrPostman, I installed
> j2re-1.4.2_06-fcs from www.sun.com! Is it the same as JVM ????
> If so, then still I am not able to run java!
> I am getting "bash : Java : Command not found" as follows:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] xxx]$ java -version
> bash: java: command not found
> Do you know what should I install to get java going on my computer
> for Mrpostman.
> Raj.

OK, the java executable will have been installed, but  official Sun installer 
has put it somewhere that is not on the standard Mandrake executable binary 
search path ($PATH), and has failed to update the $PATH to include it.

From a command line try typing:
  echo $PATH

For me this returns:

This is a list of all the directories that Linux will look in to find a binary 
to execute.  You'll notice that I have /usr/lib/jdk-1.4.2_05/bin as part of 
my $PATH, this is where my java binary is installed as part of the jdk (Java 
Development Kit).  You have installed the jre (Jave Runtime Executable) so 
you will need to look for a directory with a name similar to that, very 
likely in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib .

Once you know where the jre bin directory is, you can then add it to your 
$PATH.  You can choose to add it to just your userid's $PATH, or you can add 
it to all users $PATH, or to the root users $PATH.  To see how to do this, go 
to http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/prepostpath.htm where it's explained 
in better detail than I can manage here.  Basically, you will need to add it 
to the files /etc/profiles and /root/.bash_profile .



Note 1:  An easy way to find where a file is on your system.  From the command 
line, logged in as root, type "updatedb".  This will spend a few minutes 
indexing your hard-drive.  Then if you type "slocate java", you will be given 
a list of all files containing the string *java*.

Note 2:  An easier way than all this is, if you are a member, to use the Club 
RPMS, or if you have purchased a box set then the RPMs come with that also.

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
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