On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

> On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> > Me too.. Epic is doing the same thing.. Making the Linux client available
> > for download instaed of including it on the CD.. I guess we cant expect
> > miracles overnight.. At least companies are starting to recognize that Linux
> > users want to play games.....
> >
> And Id has said they're committed to supporting Linux even if the
> major distributors aren't. :-) That may mean we'll have to buy an
> "electronic copy" or something if we want the Linux version of future
> Id games (assuming there isn't enough "linux" support seen in Q3.)
>       John

Negative, suffer the month and buy the linux version, it truely is the
only way others will get the hint. And as for complaining, make sure you
only whine about the shipping dates not all being the same, as they really
are only trying to help in shiping seperate versions for linux mac and

PS. i here lokigames plans to tripple their output in 2000 WooHoo!

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