On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, Eric Mings wrote:
> > If anyone has suggestions for places to find the best prices on memory 
> > upgrades that I can use for my PIII 450 linux box I would appreciate it. 
> > I am going to be using it as a server and need at least PC100 128 meg 
> > chips (though I would like to buy 256 if I could find an affordable 
> > source). I have looked at several mainstream mailorder places and prices 
> > vary widely. Y'all can email me directly if you think this is not of 
> > general interest to others. Thanks much.
> Don't know 'bout everyone else, but I'm sure interested...
> DvB

   I could use another 128 myself.  I'm waitin' (hopin) for after
Christmas, that's the usual deal.  Last year I got a good price on
excellent ram from memman.com,   pc100 they said was good for
124mhz cas2, I used it at cas3 133.6 mhz, 3.3v for a long time, now
it's 126 mhz cas2 3.4v.

    I don't buy the 'earthquake' reasons for ram prices being so
high after the early summer low.  I suspect it's the yearly
'September Flush' and 'Christmas computers' that've got us in a

 Damn Windows and flight sims are gonna drive me into the 
     poorhouse  ;-)

        Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]      

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