--On Saturday, February 26, 2005 15:44:45 -0600 hackhound <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Okay, I have postfix installed and configured (I think correctly).  I
can send email between local users, and out to the world, but I cannot
receive any messages.  I have ports 25 and 110 open on my firewall
(router).  I am stumped about what I am missing.

I'll assume you are trying to have a proper SMTP server as opposed to collecting mail via something like fetchmail.

If that is true then I'd suggest looking at the following in main.cf

The entry that controls what mail to receive is something like

mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, $mydomain

So lets say your domain name is foo.co.uk and your mailserver name is scooby.foo.co.uk then the above line would receive mail for
$myhostname - scooby.foo.co.uk
localhost.$mydomain - localhost.foo.co.uk
$mydomain - foo.co.uk

Another line to look for is inet_interfaces
If this is missing then it will receive mail on all interfaces but if you have a line like

inet_interfaces = $mydomain

then postfix will reject any mail that arrives from outside your local network.

If these hints are of no use to you I'll need more info on your setup or you could look at


which gives good examples of various configurations eg. standalone machine, local network etc.

Also have you tried useing the drakconf wizard. If you type "wizard" into the "install software" section of mandrake control center you will be presented with the option of installing drakwizard. When you restart MCC a new option "server wizards" will be available. Selecting "configure mail" will activate a setup wizard that is pretty good at configuring most basic setups.

I've just realised that I'm assumeing you have a static IP address, if you don't I can't help any further as I have no experience of dynamic addresses.


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