Chip Wiegand wrote:

> On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> > Hay, wasnt MSIE supossed to be out in november for linux?
> >
> > Thats wat i heard.
> I don't know about ya'll, but my reason for moving to Linux was to get away
> from micro$oft, not use that stuff in Linux. Isn't that defeating the purpose
> of using an alternative OS?
> --
> Chip Wiegand
> <<< Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly >>>
>                                 Robert F. Kennedy

not necessarily. another reason to use Linux is cause it is perceived as
superior -- not just cause it isn't MS. And as much as I dislike MS business
practices and their products generally,  IMHO IE is superior to the


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