Our best hope for IE on linux is Mainsoft's work as described in the article
on this
webpage:  http://www.mainsoft.com/press/pr-linux.html

Here's an excerpt out of that page:
About MainWin
MainWin puts the Win32 on UNIX and supports a full range of the Win32 API.
This is possible because of the WISE agreement with Microsoft where Mainsoft
received and incorporated several million lines of original Windows NT
source code into MainWin.  This ensures that applications developed with C
or C++ for Windows will run on UNIX as it does on Windows NT.  For example,
some of the more compelling business applications re-hosted to UNIX with
MainWin include; Microsoft's Internet Explorer; Microsoft's Outlook;
Computer Associate's Unicenter and Alcatel's X-Vision Enterprise.

About Linux
International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that Linux commercial
shipments will grow faster than the total shipments of all other client or
server OS systems through 2003. Linux is strongly differentiated from
virtually all other operating systems because it is "open source" software,
with the source code freely available to all users. Unlike proprietary
operating systems that restrict access to the source code, Linux benefits
from a worldwide community of highly experienced programmers and technically
savvy academics who have the access to enhance and improve the system.

About Mainsoft Corporation
Mainsoft automates re-hosting Windows NT applications on UNIX and soon Linux
platforms. Mainsoft, founded in 1991 is privately held with its corporate
headquarters in San Jose, California, provides worldwide support for its
product lines. Mainsoft maintains sales offices in Boston, Atlanta, Austin,
Washington D.C., and London.

<=donning flame suit =>

I personally have had a lot more problems with Netscape 4.7 than 4.6 and am
looking forward to a better linux browser.
Judging from the number of attempts to test IE running under wine (see their
website, I'm unsure of the URL right now)
there are a lot of linux users who would love to use a FREE copy of IE5 on
linux.  I am one of them!  And if
Konquerer or any other browser is to have any hope, they better have 128-bit
encryption before I use it.

<=taking flame suit off=>
-- Doug Craig

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chip Wiegand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] MSIE when?

> On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> > Chip Wiegand wrote:
> >
> > > On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> > > > Hay, wasnt MSIE supossed to be out in november for linux?
> > > >
> > > > Thats wat i heard.
> > >
> > > I don't know about ya'll, but my reason for moving to Linux was to get
> > > from micro$oft, not use that stuff in Linux. Isn't that defeating the
> > > of using an alternative OS?
> > >
> > > --
> > > Chip Wiegand
> > >
> > > <<< Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly >>>
> > >                                 Robert F. Kennedy
> >
> > not necessarily. another reason to use Linux is cause it is perceived as
> > superior -- not just cause it isn't MS. And as much as I dislike MS
> > practices and their products generally,  IMHO IE is superior to the
> > alternatives.
> >
> > --
> > Keith
> Indeed Linux is a superior OS to what is available from micro$oft. That is
> I changed os's. And I personaly do not endorse companys that follow the
> type of business practices that micro$oft does. I don't like seeing any
> monopolize the market place, that kills competition and just about
> innovation. Intel doesn't have the market wrapped up like micro$oft and
> have some stiff competition, and they aren't crying foul about it.
> I believe what it comes down to is if you change to a better OS, then
support it
> and the developers, support the new releases and help make them it better
> they can be competitive, on the same level, because if we who use the
> OS don't - who will? How will it ever get better?
> Anyway, that's my thoughts, not bad for middle of the night I guess.
> Good nite
>  -- Chip Wiegand
> <<< Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly >>>
> Robert F. Kennedy

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