On Tuesday 15 Mar 2005 05:41, Erylon Hines wrote:
> On Monday 14 March 2005 11:01 am, Michel Leunen wrote:
> | Some weeks ago, I lost Konqueror and had to reinstall the whole KDE.
> | Now, it's the KDE desktop which disappeared suddenly when trying to log
> | in. The desktop just doesn't show up. No taskbar, no panel, no desktop
> | and no icons and I have to leave using 'ctrl+alt+backspace' to log with
> | another window manager.
> | How can I get KDE back? And, please, don't tell me I have to reinstall
> | once again.
> |
> | Michel
> Can you log into kde as a different user?  Maybe create one and see.  If
> so, rename your /home/~/.kde to .OLDkde.  Logout and then back into KDE. 
> That will probably fix it.  Beware, you may want to backup your Mail
> directory and your kaddressbook, because you may lose them in the process. 
> Your desktop settings will also return to the default.  The bright side is,
> it is a relatively quick fix.
Renaming is always a good option.  You can copy your addressbook over to the 
new directory.  If you use kmail it isn't stored under .kde but under .Mail, 
so you don't lose that either.

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