Do you intend to run a news group or YP server? How about objective C
development? My point here is "You don't need to install everything".
Your not going to use most of it so don't waist the space. The error
message your getting is totally logical, and I don't see what your
unsure of. You want to put 1400 megs of stuff on a 900 meg partition.
The install program sees this and tells you about it. The avg. install
of an X workstation, with a web,dns,mail server setup (for fun and
games, not production), comes in around 500-600 megs. Go through the
install selecting each package. If your not sure what the package is hit
the f1 key for a description. 

By the way good luck on the solaris install, and prepare for a very,
very, very long boot off the floppy. Oh and if you screw up during the
install, you'll need to start all over again with that great boot floppy
(no backup choice during the install).

drx wrote:
>      It can't be correct that the root partition has to be at least 1426
> megabytes, can it?  That's right -- one thousand four hundred and
> twenty-six megabytes?
>      The reason I ask is that this is what I am told during installation.
> I'll take it from the beginning:
>      I have an EIDE disk, 4.3 GB, onto which I would like to install
> Mandrake.  On the disk I have created three partitions, using fdisk which I
> ran from a DOS floppy disk.  The three partitions are 902 MB, 1953 MB, and
> 1200-something, respectively.  I had intended to use the 902-megabyte
> partition for Mandrake's root partition, and the 1953-megabyte partition
> for the /home partition.  On the final 1200-something partition I had
> intended to install Solaris 7 for Intel machines.
>      When I came to the Disk Druid part of the installation, I finally
> figured out that I had to delete these partitions and then add them again.
> Once I had done this, they became "Linux Native" and I could allocate them
> to the purposes I wanted.  When the time came to choose which packages I
> wanted to install, I chose "everything," in the belief that I would have
> space enough for this.  A little after this, installation failed however.
> The error message I was given read like this:
>      "You don't appear to have enough disk space to install the packages
> you've selected.  You need more space on the following filesystems:
>                mount point               space needed
>                     /                       524 M "
>      Since I already have 902 MB for the root filesystem, and Mandrake
> wants an additional 524 MB, it seems that it wants at least 1426 MB.  I was
> asked if I wanted to go ahead and install anyway, but it seemed to me that
> I something had to be wrong, and I tried the other options instead -- "try
> again," and "menu."  In the end I had to abort installation altogether and
> try to do it again from the beginning, but it always fails at this same
> point and for the same reason.
>      When I come to the Disk Druid part, everything looks OK:
>                             requested        actual
>           /       hda1         902            902
>           /home   hda6        1953           1953
>      Despite this, it seems that Mandrake must have changed its mind at the
> last minute, and tried to use some other partition for the root
> installation -- a partition too small for it to fit.
>      How do I fix this?
>                                                        DRX

Brett Jones

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