drx....the initial installation puts virtually nothing in a /home
partition.  So you're trying to do an "everything" install with just 900
megabytes of space allocated to store all of the compressed software on
a 600+ megabyte CD.  The installation is reporting to you that it needs,
at a minimum, 524 bytes more allocated to the / partition to
successfully complete your "everything" installation.  Why don't you
believe this?  I recommend that you swap your allocations and give the /
partition the 1900 megabytes and the /home partition the 900 megabytes. 
That will work and leave a little space for expansion in the /


drx wrote:
>      It can't be correct that the root partition has to be at least 1426
> megabytes, can it?  That's right -- one thousand four hundred and
> twenty-six megabytes?
>      The reason I ask is that this is what I am told during installation.
> I'll take it from the beginning:
>      I have an EIDE disk, 4.3 GB, onto which I would like to install
> Mandrake.  On the disk I have created three partitions, using fdisk which I
> ran from a DOS floppy disk.  The three partitions are 902 MB, 1953 MB, and
> 1200-something, respectively.  I had intended to use the 902-megabyte
> partition for Mandrake's root partition, and the 1953-megabyte partition
> for the /home partition.  On the final 1200-something partition I had
> intended to install Solaris 7 for Intel machines.
>      When I came to the Disk Druid part of the installation, I finally
> figured out that I had to delete these partitions and then add them again.
> Once I had done this, they became "Linux Native" and I could allocate them
> to the purposes I wanted.  When the time came to choose which packages I
> wanted to install, I chose "everything," in the belief that I would have
> space enough for this.  A little after this, installation failed however.
> The error message I was given read like this:
>      "You don't appear to have enough disk space to install the packages
> you've selected.  You need more space on the following filesystems:
>                mount point               space needed
>                     /                       524 M "
>      Since I already have 902 MB for the root filesystem, and Mandrake
> wants an additional 524 MB, it seems that it wants at least 1426 MB.  I was
> asked if I wanted to go ahead and install anyway, but it seemed to me that
> I something had to be wrong, and I tried the other options instead -- "try
> again," and "menu."  In the end I had to abort installation altogether and
> try to do it again from the beginning, but it always fails at this same
> point and for the same reason.
>      When I come to the Disk Druid part, everything looks OK:
>                             requested        actual
>           /       hda1         902            902
>           /home   hda6        1953           1953
>      Despite this, it seems that Mandrake must have changed its mind at the
> last minute, and tried to use some other partition for the root
> installation -- a partition too small for it to fit.
>      How do I fix this?
>                                                        DRX

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