correct, dosemu is not necessary. Linux happily reads and writes to dos fat,
fat32 and ntfs file systems -- as well as over ten other file systems. Linux
supports these systems naturally -- you don't need to emulate anything.

you will need to make sure your kernel (or kernel modules) is compiled to
support the file systems you need to access.

then you need to mount the windows file system somewhere on your Linux file
system -- /mnt/windows for example. In this case create the new directory

the concept of mounting can be amazingly confusing to us from Gates-land. you
might need some basic text to guide you. remember -- dos/windows thinks in
terms of drives -- A,C, etc. Linux isn't concerned with the drive but thinks in
terms of the disk on the drive and the file system on the disk.



On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> Ernest....dosemu isn't necessary.
> Alan
> "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, 24 Nov 1999,David Loke wrote:
> >   | Hi,
> >   |
> >   | I read on Linux Mandrake website that its possible to get files from my
> >   | windoze partition from Linux . How can I do that? I am not able to see my
> >   | windoze directories from Linux file manager. What kind of software should I
> >   | use?
> >   |
> >   | Rgds
> > 
> > You must have dosemu installed I think - not sure of that but I do. Then you
> > mount the desired partition (on the same machine in my case) with:
> > 
> >         mount -t vfat /dev/hd#$ /FolderName
> > 
> > where # = HD letter as a-1, b-2 etc., $ = partition number as 1-first
> > partition, 2-second partition etc. and FolderName is the folder you wish to
> > mount the partition under. Then xfm will "see" the partition you have mounted.
> > 
> > HTH,
> > 
> > --
> > 
> > The measure of a man is in his honor ...
Keith Robinson

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