On Monday 21 Mar 2005 20:55, Malcolm Candlish wrote:
> Sirs,
> Can any one give me ideas on the best broadband provider for
> Mandrake-Linux. At present I have a dial up modem and have been so far
> attracted to Metronet who charge only £10 per month: although there are
> extra charges for heavy downloads.
Do your costings carefully, particularly if you intend to download future 
distros or use bittorrent.

My provider is mailbox.co.uk, which is not the cheapest, but because it is 
unlimited I think it is good value.

> Can Linux work with any provider as in the case of dial up.
It's not so much that, as that many providers can't or won't work with linux.  
It's simple enough, really, if they will give you straightforward information 
that you need to set up your connection, but some simply will not talk to you 
if you are going to use linux.  I would suggest that you email the support 
line of any provider you are considering, tell them that you are going to be 
using linux and ask if you will have any problems.  You will quickly be able 
to tell from their replies whether they are going to be good to work with or 

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