Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

On Monday 28 Mar 2005 17:09, SnapafunFrank wrote:

Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

Warnings well heeded.  I am almost too scared to do anything in Mandrake
now - no just kidding.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rosemary]# fdisk /dev/hda

The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 4865.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
 (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/hda: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Please understand my notes to your table here. Is this what you were
after? Strictly your call here.

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System [ Franks approx partition sizes ] /dev/hda1 * 1 2364 18988798+ 7 HPFS/NTFS [19gig ] /dev/hda2 2423 4865 19623397+ 5 Extended [20gig ]
/dev/hda5 2423 3186 6136798+ 83 Linux [6gig] ~ [ This is your root partition ] /dev/hda6 4808
4854 377496 83 Linux [350MB ]
/dev/hda7 4855 4865 88326 82 Linux swap [82MB ] /dev/hda8 3187 3326 1124518+ 82 Linux swap [1.1gig ] /dev/hda9 3327 4807 11896101 83 Linux [12gig - wow, wish I could
afford this much] ~ [ This is your /home partition ]

Partition table entries are not in disk order

I can breathe now I am out of fdisk!


OK Rosemary, I need to study this a little but for now see what I see.

You have a 40gig hard drive:

You have 7 ( note ~ seven ) partitions:

You have only 1 primary partition ~ you ought to have 3 but not
essential: more about this later.

You have only 1 ( one ) logic partition ~ you are allowed up to 16 last
I heard:

You therefore have 1 ( all you are allowed I believe ) extended
partition ~ it is within this partition that you have your logic

You have 2 swap partitions ~ no idea why you have two when one is enough
especially when one of them appears huge.

( Don't mind me rambling on here ~ I'm working out loud.)

Generally the rules here are:

No more than 4 primary partitions with only one of them being made an
extended partition in which you can have up to 16 logic ( LBA ) partitions.

You can have as many swap partitions as you like though usually one is

Partition numbering is:
primary 1 ~ 4 ( includes the extended partition )
With LBA partitions numbering 5 ~ say 16

The only partitions you have correct here are:

/dev/hda1 *  [ Your WinXP partition and the * means it is bootable ]
/dev/hda1     [ One of  your swap partitions and I say this is correct
because it appears to be of the correct size ~ Usually no more than 1.5
times your RAM size if it is under 512MB ]

Now lets take your df printf: [ printf is syntax for echo or in other words
~ what you see returned to the screen when you issue a command seeking
info. ]

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/hda5             5.8G  1.7G  3.9G  30% /        [ My rough math for
the above table isn't to far off here afterall.]

/dev/hda9 12G 170M 12G 2% /home [ You must work out what
you really will be using here because this is far to big at present ~ only 170MB of 12000MB used so far.]


Your WinXP partition does not get mounted when you boot up ~ you may prefer
this but fstab has it entered.

Your hda6 partition doesn't get mounted so we need to discover which
directory this relates to. [ See below ]

Your hda8, in my opinion is just wasted space at present.

Please try this:

Go K>>Configure Your Desktop>>Partitions  and tell me what you see
there. If there is more there than /dev/hda5 and /dev/hda9, ( should at
least be /dev/hda7 and /dev/hda8 ),
 then please make a note of what partitions are there AND what there
sizes are, ( Usually in megabytes ~ [ MB ] ), as this will save having
to work out partition sizes using the
 number of blocks reported by the fdisk command. { Went back and did
that anyway but am still curious ]

Another thing to do is to mount that /dev/hda6 partition to find out
what it is. So do as su:

# mkdir /mnt/hda6
# mount /dev/hda6 /mnt/hda6  [ If this gives you errors then stop here
and let me know what those errors are. ]
# cd /mnt/hda6
# ls
Look at any directories listed here ( other than lost & found ) and tell
me what they are please.

Not trying to crowd you so will stop here and await your replies.

Okay - first up:
during the install, I selected the partitions that Mandrake preselected - which is what I was advised to do, probably at linuxquestions or another forum, or possibly on the installation process itself.

These were:
hda5 (5.8Gb, /, ext)
hda6 (368Mb, /mnt, ext3)
hda9 (11Gb, /home, ext 3)

If this was incorrect, then so be it - I was simply doing what I thought I had been advised to do. There was also swap there somewhere.

Rosemary, I stopped reading here to get things right. I'm not out to criticize or anything, I'm just trying to make you aware of what 'is' so that YOU can make informed decisions for yourself ~ and now I bet we have the time wasting thing again.

I seriously wonder if all this questioning is worth it - your time, and my limited knowledge.

Yep, there it is.

I simply want a system that works. If I have made a mistake, okay, then fix it if can be fixed simply, or reinstall. It seems the fix is not simple, and I believe it is time to reinstall.

I am sorry if this disappoints you ... and I am sorry if I have wasted your time.

I'm going to stop reading here ~ and with regret pull away to make room for others.
I am obviously saying it all wrong and further regret upsetting you this way.

I'll follow you in the forums and wish you well.


I acknowledge that I probably stuffed up when I attempted to install the mouse, however, there were always problems with stalling, even at the first install attempt. I see on other forums that Mandrake is reputed to have problems with USB devices. That may be disputed here - I don't know.

I do know that I need to have a system that works, and if i don't fully understand why it didn't, then I can live with that. I hope you can see my point. I read recently - on the local LUG mailing list I think - "that some prefer to wrestle with linux, than actually use their system" I *don't* fall into that category.

I really am deeply appreciative of your efforts to help, and of other listers - but am beginning to wonder if it is going anywhere.


Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!



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