Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

SnapafunFrank wrote:

My /dev/hdc is a symlink to /udev/hdc and /udev lists /hdc so that is loaded.

Yet when I go :
# mount /dev/hdc


# mount /udev/hdc

I get the above message

My fstab entry for this is:

none /mnt/dvd-rw supermount dev=/dev/hdc,fs=auto,exec,--,umask=0,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,noatime,codepage=850,noauto 0 0

and I have tried:

none /mnt/dvd-rw supermount dev=/udev/hdc,fs=auto,exec,--,umask=0,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,noatime,codepage=850,noauto 0 0

so something is not working correctly:

I also have before this call:

none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0

Any ideas anyone ?

PS. Once I get the above resolved could someone tell what the " - - " in the mount options mean

and also

what the " none " at the beginning actual does and of course how is it over~ridden.

All the reading I have done hasn't explained these two points to me as yet.

Your DVD is being handled by supermount. What this is susposed to do is when a disk is inserted in the drive, it gets mounted automaticly.

Not happening at present though it did once upon a time.

The reasion you could not mount it using the device name is because you do not have a fstab entry that starts with /dev/hdc, and /dev/hdc is not a mount point used in an ftab entry. If you had tried "mount /mnt/dvd-rw" it probably would have worked.

One thig I am a bit puzzeled about it the /udev directory. What version of Mandrake are you using? Did you add udev yourself, or was it part of the install? Was this a fresh install, or an upgrage?


I added udev by urpmi sometime after my initial clean installation because I was after flexibility for my flash drives. I actually followed a Flash USB howto that appeared to work in that particular session but afterward it just got to be confused so I resolved to sort it out for myself. ( I also installed sysfs and a couple of other requirements at the time.)

I'm running Mandrake10 Official ~ KDE-3.2.3 ~ Kernel-2.6.3-7 and have stuck with it because I needed to install the OpenGL + nvidia drivers for a little 3D experience.

Your reply makes sense and I will look to that shortly, but for now, though I can mount data cds and dvds, ( manually ) as user OK , and read/write the contents, ~ but I am unable to get my audio cd's playing anymore nor does it appear that supermount is actually working, ( I say 'appear' because things might be going on in the background that I'm not privy to yet.)

At one time after I had installed udev I used to place a blank dvd in my writer and k3b would fire up automatically ~ not at present however.

I have been following your efforts here and gone the way of symlinks in my .rules file and created links to replace things like /mnt/cdrom2 in case my system needs to look for that instead of /mnt/dvd-cd when relating to /udev/hdd or /dev/hdd ( one and same device of course which troubles me a wee bit ~ same device listed twice ~ don't understand this part yet. ie. Why is the /dev directory still about when I have uninstalled devfsd and issued " devfs=nomount " within lilo? As yet ' the penny ain't dropped ' on this one.)

So a question to get me started here ~ how can I check that supermount is working ? eg. is there some way to log it's efforts so as to get some clues for troubleshooting ? )

Newbie Seeking USER_FUNCTIONALITY always!



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