On Tuesday 05 April 2005 06:26, Anne Wilson wrote:

> > An app that knows the difference between these two things?  That's not
> > asking for much now, is it?  If I could build such a thing, nobody on
> > this group could afford it, Cisco and the other router manufacturers
> > would be in a bidding war to buy it for themselves.
> No, a user that knows the difference.

Should have been more clear here.  Two scenarios, first a user that has access 
which I covered below, second, an app that can do it at root level without 
user access which I was pointing out is quite a stretch.

> > If you have a single personal firewall-like app for Linux, that problem
> > is solved.  If you install such an app and count on it to protect you
> > from insecure software, you are living in a fool's paradise.
> >
> > Again, I don't have any problem with someone coding this, nor with
> > running it, I simply don't see the point.  It is "Windows" dressing,
> > nothing more.
> I don't think so.  I accept that it is not good control, but the
> alternative seems to be complete absence of control.  If an application
> needs to reach out to get data, as Acrobat Reader does, then it has to have
> that ability, and I see no reason why it could not equally well send out
> packets.  Perhaps that's because I don't understand firewalling deeply
> enough, but the discussions on both lists are not explaining the things we
> need to understand, like this point.

Well, let's cover that really quickly.  If Acroread is only being used to 
access local data, it needs no Internet access at all.  Thus, you could 
firewall it off and still use it.  However, as I understand things, it 
integrates into a browser and may actually pull the pdf file itself.  
Assuming that is the functionality you want, there is an outgoing request to 
pull the data from the web, and then incoming packets that contain the pdf 
file.  You could probably block posts which is what is being suggested, but 
this implies an intimate knowledge of the workings of the app, knowing what 
to block versus accept.  Given the audience for this, I think that assumes 
entirely too much.

Also, if Acroread is really using embedded javascript/java for this type of 
thing, it is possible that someone can code the web bug such that 
communication is sent on a port other than port 80 and well above what would 
be considered a security area that fits within the first 1024 ports.  Again, 
this requires some type of intimate knowledge of what is being done and thus 
what needs to be blocked.

If you want local access to pdf's only, then use an OS pdf viewer.  

What is much more likely to happen is that Acroread will request access to 
pull the pdf, the user will click allow and then Acroread will yank the pdf 
and then try to send a web bug to the source and since it has already been 
given permission, it will send its data.  Another scenario is that the user 
will click Allow for get and then deny for second Post attempt in which case, 
perhaps the PDF will not display which will cause the user to click Allow for 
the second and the web but goes out.

The only point that I can see that is possibly valid is the idea of having a 
firewall to block heretofore unknown requests from apps that should not need 
network access.  Things like the spyware and adware apps that are bundled 
with other apps.  However, again, I would point out that if you go around 
installing untrusted apps on your machine, I don't think that any personal 
firewall-like app is going to salvage your security.  You will be 
compromised.  Just as so many Windows users are compromised even though they 
have personal firewalls installed.

> The problem is that security is a huge subject.  People who need to
> understand security for their business invest a great deal of time in
> learning it well, but for users that need only to protect themselves from a
> few things they see as threats while getting on with their real need there
> is no easy way to get an overview of the subject.  We don't need the same
> level of security, really, though obviously it would be nice, but this
> isn't utopia.  

There are trade-offs to everything.  If you tighten things down too much, a 
platform becomes nearly unusable for certain things.  For instance, locking 
down a web server makes it an unsuitable platform for development, or 
building applications.  If you lock down your desktop to the level that it is 
impossible for any local app to communicate out, you are going to likely end 
up with either a nightmare administration scenario or an unusable desktop.  

I still truly feel that this discussion is misplaced.  Someone wants to run an 
app they don't trust and they want a second app to protect them from the 
first.  The premise is faulty, the real solution is to not run untrusted 

For example, Internet Explorer is a bad browser for a lot of reasons but one 
of which is that it allows ActiveX applications to run without user 
interaction or approval.  Acroread sounds very much like it is doing the same 
thing via embedded javascript/java based on the descriptions.  The solution 
is not to install a third party app to try to control ActiveX, but to not use 
Internet Explorer because you can't trust it.

> Frankly, the issue that started the discussion on Expert, 
> that of Acrobat Reader being capable of telling an author who is reading
> his work, doesn't worry me personally.  I'm just concerned that we are
> being told to either invest the time that a professional would, or 'take a
> running jump' - not that you would be so rude :-)

Well, I did suggest that they pay someone to develop such an app as I didn't 
think that there would be a big Linux audience for it.  (The fact that there 
is not a current project for such a thing, to my knowledge, would tend to 
bear that out.)  However, I don't think that suggestion is so much rude as 
simply realistic.

Bryan Phinney

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