"Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:

> On Sat, 27 Nov 1999,Jaswinder S. Ahluwalia wrote:
>   | To those who might be able to offer some help,
>   |
>   | I hooked up a cassette player to the "line-in" of my sound card. In
>   | windows, i have a program that lets me listen to what ever i play through
>   | the "line-in" but this program crashes when i try to use it through linux
>   | through wine. Is there any way i can listen to the "line-in" in linux?
>   |
>   | Thanks in advance,
>   | jas
> If you use KDE, start the sound panel in the Multimedia menu. This should allow
> you to turn on (or up) the sound level on the line in connection. Then if
> something is playing on "line in", you should be able to hear it. Then simply
> use the player's controls to turn it on or off etc.
> HTH,
> --
> The measure of a man is in his honor ...

Thank you for your reply, but I have already tried that. Do you have any other


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