Currently I am playing around with different dialers. I am having trouble
getting the kWvdialer to work. Everything appears to be working but evidently
it is not truly connecting to the nameserver. Log in to my ISP (ppp and pap)
goes well and pppd negotiation goes well and pppd is started. All appears well
in Bedford until I try to reach the nameserver. Nothing can find the
nameserver. Not ping, ftp, netscape, mail or anything else. No host addresses
can be found. I have checked permissions and in fact because this is a home
system with no route in have made everything in the two dial related
directories owned by me. Still nothing seems to work when using kWvdialer. kPPP
works and the nameserver is available.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

E-Mail: Clif Caldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 30-Nov-99
Time: 09:51:47

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