On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> Currently I am playing around with different dialers. I am having trouble
> getting the kWvdialer to work. Everything appears to be working but evidently
> it is not truly connecting to the nameserver. Log in to my ISP (ppp and pap)
> goes well and pppd negotiation goes well and pppd is started. All appears well
> in Bedford until I try to reach the nameserver. Nothing can find the
> nameserver. Not ping, ftp, netscape, mail or anything else. No host addresses
> can be found. I have checked permissions and in fact because this is a home
> system with no route in have made everything in the two dial related
> directories owned by me. Still nothing seems to work when using kWvdialer. kPPP
> works and the nameserver is available.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try editing your /etc/resolv.conf to hard-code the domain
name of your isp and your isp's name server ip addresses.

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