Benjamin !

Did you try the extra step I tried which
corrected my constant buggy printing problems
of several weeks ago? i.e.

With LPD originally compiled as modular (by default)
in the 6.1 kernel

in /etc/rc.d/rc.local
at the end of the file past the last 'fi' I put;

/sbin/modprobe parport
/sbin/modprobe parport_pc
/sbin/modprobe lp

That finally cleared up several very aggravating problems
for me which had never cropped up before in ANY version
of Linux I have tried.

You are right in hoping the next version of Linux-Mandrake
will make it much easier for a "new-user" to get their printer
up and running without effort. Neither of us are "new-users" yet
we have had many problems reported on this List with something
as basic as default printer configuration.

Good Luck,

William Bouterse
Juneau, Alaska

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