Thanks Alexander for the instructions.  I got my SB Live! up and working and
it's great.  But...

Here's what I've done.

So I download the patch, update the kernel and initialize the soundcard with
a "modprode emu10k1" command.  Wohoo!  I got MP3s playing, KDE events
boinging and I'm happy.  I read more on the instructions and it says to edit
the /etc/conf.modules file to include the initialization for the soundcard.
So I add it, reboot to test it and it works fine.
So I decide to keep updating stuff.  I ran the Updates feature on the KDE
desktop.  So I run it and it finds about 10 updates.  So I figure what the
hell and run the update.  Now one of these updates is a new kernel.  Not
thinking I downloaded and installed all the updates.  Well I went to reboot
again to run the new kernel. And BOOM!  It starts to load and gets to the
"Initializing Sound Module..." line and hangs.  CRAP!  
Now for the question.  I need to find a way to bypass the sound
initialization OR a way to get in and modify the conf.modules file again and
rip out the init line until I patch the new kernel.  Ideas?
Things I've already tried:  
- I used the boot disk in rescue mode but it complains and says I need to
give it an "init=" parameter.
- Tried to boot to run level 1 but it still tries to initialize

Kyle Robinson 
~ This e-mail contains 100% recycled electrons ~

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 21:14
Subject: [newbie] Soundblaster Live! Mini How-To

I have noticed a lot of people from newsgroups, mailing list, and irc
channels have had trouble installing there Soundblaster Live for use
under linux. Since this my be your problem and this a newbie mailing
list after all. Here is my mini how-to on Soundblaster Live!

Creative Labs currently has their soundcard drivers currently at 0.3b
but their is a problem with this. The are only offically made for kenels 
2.0.36-0.7(RH), 2.2.5-15(RH), and 2.2.10. Since you may have upgraded to
a most recent verison of kernel these drivers may or may not work. I
think they do work if you force them to work and but this is tedious and
drooling process. I will present a easier way

Step 1: Go to this ftp and get the source files:

Step 2: Next after you have gotten this file you must uncompress the
file by typing tar -xvzf filename.tar.gz

Step 3: Go into the directory where the files were umcompressed to and
type in these commands 

make dep 
make clean
make  (Don't worry about warning: unused variable 'sblive_spinlock' or
'kernel version' defind but not used in main.c, spinlock is primarily
used on SMP systems to lock interupts on one processor and main.c is not
kernel version depended)

make install #When no using module verison info, sometimes the driver is
put in /lib/misc/ instead of /lib/modules/kernel#/misc

Then run depmod -a kernel# in your modules directory  

After that command then you do this - modprobe emu10k1. (If it fails,
run insmod soundcore before that)

Now here are some tips to automate so you don't have to modprobe
everytime you boot into linux. 

Add these following lines in to your /etc/conf.moudules (SuSe, RH,
Slackware, Debian.) On the rare distros this could be modules.conf or

alias sound emu10k1
#pre-install emu10k1 insmod soundcore
#post-remove emu10k1 rmmod soundcore
options emu10k1 joystick 0x200

#These lines are only needed if you did this (CONFIG_MODVERISONS=Y)
#This means if you have module verison checking 

After installing this file, do some sound test by playing some wavs,
mp3s, and midi. It will be music to your ears.

Because these are daily builds, I suggest you upgrade every 5-7 days and
why not since compiling source is so much fun anyways

I hope you are succesful in install the modules so you can use your
Soundblaster Live! under the better Operating system. 

Have Fun
Alexander Roberts

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