On Fri, 03 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> So I decide to keep updating stuff.  I ran the Updates feature on the KDE
> desktop.  So I run it and it finds about 10 updates.  So I figure what the
> hell and run the update.  Now one of these updates is a new kernel.  Not
> thinking I downloaded and installed all the updates.  Well I went to reboot
> again to run the new kernel. And BOOM!  It starts to load and gets to the
> "Initializing Sound Module..." line and hangs.  CRAP!  
> Now for the question.  I need to find a way to bypass the sound
> initialization OR a way to get in and modify the conf.modules file again and
> rip out the init line until I patch the new kernel.  Ideas?
> Things I've already tried:  
> - I used the boot disk in rescue mode but it complains and says I need to
> give it an "init=" parameter.
> - Tried to boot to run level 1 but it still tries to initialize
Hmm... if you have another machine, or can boot to Windows,
go get the "RedHat" boot & rescue images. If you've got
another linux box, get two blank floppies and run "dd
if=boot.img of=/dev/fd0" and "dd if=rescue.img of=/dev/fd0"
and then boot off that and go in and edit your conf.modules.

If you only have a Windows machine or can boot to windows
on your LInux box, use the "rawrite" program which can be
found in the /dosutils directory on the Mandrake CD and
make the disks that way.

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