On Thu, 02 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> On Thu, 02 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> > Well its upgraded to a pentium, the cdrom is a Mitsumi KEPanasonic CDROM 
> > I/O 0630h-0637h the driver is mkecr5xx.mpd on the windows system area and 
> > don't know which mdk version
> >
> It's a "panasonic interface" non-standard. It uses the SoundBlaster
> as it's interface card. I've heard you can set these up under Linux,
> but I don't know how.
>     John
> Thanks for your help John, If anyone does know how to set that up could you 
> please help me out...
Just a caveat -- That's my first impression based on what
little you've said about it. To be sure that it's a
"panasonic interface" I need to know how it connects up to
the system -- does it connect via a soundblaster 16 or a
special "controller"? Or does it plug directly into the IDE
If one of the former, then it's the "MKE Panasonic"
interface, and requires special CDROM drivers.

It is the MKE Panasonic, so how do I setup these special CDROM drivers so 
that Linux can find the cdrom? (it connects through the soundblaster 16)

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