From: Ronald A. Yacketta

not sure if this is it or not, but back in the days (like roughly 2 years
ago) when I had the misfortune of using a modem and PPP
to a ISP the key to my PPP was either chap or pap (not sure which) but that
could be your problem as well. Not sure tho

"J. Hunter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/07/99 10:11:52 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   Newbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: Ronald A. Yacketta/958157/EKC)
Subject:  [newbie] KPPP & Earthlink, part 2

Well, the saga continues.
I tried connecting with pppsetup from After answering all
that correctly, and editing the resolv.conf to have the proper DNS
numbers, and editing /etc/ppp/options to remove the usepeerdns line, it
still wouldn't connect.
I do have ELN/<name> in properly also.
It dials up properly, the modems handshake- then silence. No message
that I connect- my modem just drops carrier after about 10 seconds.
Almost like a DNS problem, but not.

SO! I try kppp!
I put all the information as I have seen in message to a couple
different people and let 'er rip. kppp dials, handshakes and it even
says Connecting to Network. Then the little connect window minimizes
itself on the desktop. Bingo. I think I have a connection... but now no
program will load, whether invoked by desktop icon or through the KMenu.
I was confused... then I hear my modem disconnect in the background, and
mysteriously my programs will open now. WHAT AM I DOING???


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