On Tue, 07 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> You probably get this question alot, but here goes:
> Ive got a little home network, with NT 4 as a server. I keep all my
> downloads on NT, for exemple, so how do i view them in linux? Is there
> something I have to do in NT, AND in samba?
> Also, after a few attempts and glancing at the how to's, im still
> unsuccessfull at sharing a linux folder so that NT sees it.

1.  Turn off html.  I found the red text to be difficult to read.  Thank you :-)

2.  Using Samba to access NT shares is pretty easy.  
        1.  Go into /usr/bin or wherever you samba binaries, su to root and do
              a chmod +s on smbmount, smbmnt, and smbumount
        2.  Then just  do this:  smbmount //server-name/share-name /mountpoint
              -I <put the ip address of your server here> then enter your
              password when it prompts you to.  To unmount just do a smbumnt

The easiest thing to do is to write a couple of small shell scripts to do the
mounting and unmounting for you.  I think you can even put in the password
automatically as smbmount has a -P option as I recall.

As far as making Linux shares avaliable to NT, I don't know how to do that,
never had much desire.  

Oh, also make sure that you have tcp/ip bound to the netbios stuff in NT,
otherwise Linux won't be able to use the shares.


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