You really have eight swap partitions?  This isn't going to help stability
at all.  First of all, I seriously doubt it was a lack of memory that made
your computer lock up.  I can say for sure that while Netscape is not the
most stable of beasts, it is useable on my meager 64MB RAM + 80MB swap.  A
gigabyte of swap is way too much overkill.

Next time netscape locks up, see if you can kill it individually before
you have to reset your computer.  Try Ctrl+Alt+Bkspc to kill X; this may
help, even if X doesn't seem to be responding. 

-Matt Stegman

On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, raymond borowiak wrote:
> While downloading Netscape 4.7 for linux, my comp
> froze
> and I had to reinstall. Even though I tried fsck.ext2
> on the first partition and recovered but my second
> partition was not recoverable. Hence when I
> reinstalled
> from my mandrake CD-Rom ver 6.0, used one partition
> for
> native and 8 partitions for swap. As follows on a 2
> gig
> HD 1gig to / and the rest divided to the 8 swap parti-
> tions. My Question is, is this sufficient so that
> down-
> loads will not lock up my computer, which is linux
> only?

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