Look inside the folders in Autostart and you will find lots
of icons for applications that are not on your desktop.
Like to have one or more on the desktop?
Drab it from autostart to the desktop and select "Copy"
from the window that pops up. Now it's ready to use with one click.

Want to run your favorite command line application from
a desktop icon? Drag the gear icon in Template to the desktop
and select "Copy" (don't select "Move" or you will not be able
to do this again.) Now right click on the gear and select
"Properties" Input the requested information in the dialog
box that appears, click on the gear icon that is inside the
dialog box to select a new icon for your applicaton or
executable script, select OK and you have a new application
icon ready to use. I used it to create an icon for minicom,
Midnight Commander (-c on) and a script I use with fetchmail.

My recommendation then would be to keep them unless you are
setting the machine up for a user and you don't want making
changes easy for them.

Frank Arnold
On 10 Dec 1999, Pixel wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there anybody here who uses the Template or/and Autostart folders in KDE?
> (otherwise we're gonna remove them!)
> cu Pixel.

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