A .tar file is an archive, similar to a .zip file in Windows... but
without compression.  To extract files from it, you'd use the command 
`tar -xf filename.tar`
If you want to see the filenames that it is extracting, put a "v"
inbetween the x and f.

Sometimes you'll get tar files that are compressed.  These will end with
.tar.gz or maybe just .tgz .   

If you like using GUI, you can use the program called "Archiver", which
will show up on the right-click menu of .tar.gz or .tgz files.  For some
reason, it may not show up for .tar files.  In this case, choose "Open
With" and Archiver will be under "Utilities."

After extracting the tar file, read the included READMEs.  Before posting
any questions about StarOffice, please check the archives of the mailing
list.  Someone set up a separate list for StarOffice questions, but I
don't know the address to subscribe.

Don't worry about showing how little you know about UNIX/Linux.  That's
why there is a "newbie" list in place- to help people learn.

-Matt Stegman

On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Jeffrey L Sawyer Jr wrote:
> I didn't want to show how ignorant of linux or unix I am but I have to. I 
> downloaded StarOffice and it is in my home DIR as so51a_lnx_01.tar . I can 
> click on it and it opens up to show many other .tar folders. I am 
> using  KDE  and can't figure out how to install or setup StarOffice. Please 
> don't laugh to hard when replying.
> Jeffrey Sawyer

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