On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Jeffrey L Sawyer Jr wrote:
 | I didn't want to show how ignorant of linux or unix I am but I have to. I 
 | downloaded StarOffice and it is in my home DIR as so51a_lnx_01.tar . I can 
 | click on it and it opens up to show many other .tar folders. I am 
 | using  KDE  and can't figure out how to install or setup StarOffice. Please 
 | don't laugh to hard when replying.
 | Jeffrey Sawyer
 | Information Systems & Services
 | Computer Support
 | Phone 814 863-2319
 | Fax 814 863-2215

For what it's worth no one's laughing. To get the files out of the tar ball,
open a terminal window and use tar -xpvf so51a_lnx_01.tar at the command
prompt. Note that you will have to be logged onto the folder where the tar ball
is located when you use this command. This will extract the contents of the
.tar file. You can then use KFM to read the readme file for instructions. It
will tell you to run ./setup or ./install or something like that. That's dot
(.) slash (/) setup or install. The dot(.) is easy to miss, but needed.



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