I've run Xconfigurator and xf86config several times, but thought my
video is set OK now, I can't seem to change it.  According to my monitor
manual (Smile 1280x1024), I can run 800x600 @ 56, 60, and 72hz N-I;
1024x768 @ 87hz Interlaced, 60 and 70hz N-I; and 1280x1024 @ 87 I and 60
N-I, Hsync @ 30-69KHz, and Vsync @ 50-120HZ   Video card default is
1024x768 @ 16bits.  When I try anything other than "a monitor that can
do 1280x1024 @ 60hz", Vsync @ 50-150, and I test X, my screen flickers
and I can't see anything really, and I have to go back and set it to
800x600, monitor that can do 1280x1024, and 50-150 Vsync.  Anyway, I
think those are the settings I'm offered, but the point is that I can't
seem to get the settings to be easily changeable w/ Xconfigurator,
though it offers the option of specifying Hsync's, it does not give me
an option for actually doing so...
So, why is it so difficult to switch b/t resolution settings?  800x600
is OK, but I'd like to have the option of switching resolutions as
needed.  Xf86config isn't any easier to set acceptable settings, and
besides, I'd like to be able to make changes "on the fly".

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