Josh McCaffrey wrote:
> I've run Xconfigurator and xf86config several times, but thought my
> video is set OK now, I can't seem to change it.  According to my monitor
> manual (Smile 1280x1024), I can run 800x600 @ 56, 60, and 72hz N-I;
> 1024x768 @ 87hz Interlaced, 60 and 70hz N-I; and 1280x1024 @ 87 I and 60
> N-I, Hsync @ 30-69KHz, and Vsync @ 50-120HZ   Video card default is
> 1024x768 @ 16bits.  When I try anything other than "a monitor that can
> do 1280x1024 @ 60hz", Vsync @ 50-150, and I test X, my screen flickers
> and I can't see anything really, and I have to go back and set it to
> 800x600, monitor that can do 1280x1024, and 50-150 Vsync.  Anyway, I
> think those are the settings I'm offered, but the point is that I can't
> seem to get the settings to be easily changeable w/ Xconfigurator,
> though it offers the option of specifying Hsync's, it does not give me
> an option for actually doing so...
> So, why is it so difficult to switch b/t resolution settings?  800x600
> is OK, but I'd like to have the option of switching resolutions as
> needed.  Xf86config isn't any easier to set acceptable settings, and
> besides, I'd like to be able to make changes "on the fly".
> -Josh
Have you tried running "setup" as root? pick your desired
and color debth and exit.
You can "ctl-alt- (-)  to change resolutions on the fly.

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