type: setup  and then click on Authen.. and then it will show the []NIS
option which u can disable it..

On Wed, 8 Dec 1999, Kit wrote:

> somehow, upon install...I inadvertently setup a NIS 
> service...thinking I needed this to run a server.
> When I logoff...I've noticed that it doesn't shutdown...and 
> therefore, I'm thinking that maybe this is the reason my modem says 
> it's BUSY all the time...and I can't setup my modem.
> How do I turn off this NIS service....?
> <==================Kit======================>
> ICQ#:  7110071
> HomePage:  http://members.xoom.com/kitgoins
> Personal Server:  http://kompukit.myip.org
> <==================Kit======================>

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