> On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> > YES!  You can lose weight with FAT ABSORB and still eat what you want!
> Must be a new product. It seems to absorb your vfat drives.
> > Look at some of Fat Absorb's benefits!
> > · Has no stimulants of any kind.
> Translation:
> Means it has no caffine either. It is missing one of the 4 essential
> > · Blocks dietary fat before it reaches your stomach
> Translation:
> Tastes so bad, you vomit it back up before you finish swallowing it.
> > · Fat Absorb is ALL NATURAL
> So is dirt, but you don't see me eating that either.
> --
> Alex
> (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

hehe thanks for the laughs :)

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