First off, because someone is going to tell you anyway, turn off the
html.  It is considered poor netiquette.

Secondly, it's not '(VERIFY N)', it's '(VERIFYLD N)' that goes in the
-----Original Message-----
From: Jamey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: December 18, 1999 10:17 PM
Subject: [newbie] Sound Setup

Excuse me for asking for so much help! I just purchased linux about 2
days ago, and I think I'm doing fair for a first timer. Anyway my
problem is: First of all I had a SB Live value card but i found out that
linux did not support it, So I took it out and enable my onboard sound
chip. Linux found it (By the way I have L-Mandrake 6.5) But when it
probed it it came up with an error telling me to add (VERIFY N) into the
sndconfg file. So I did and tryed again but this time when it probes the
card it completely looks up so bad the only way out is RESET! Im
wondering how I can edit it manually, Ive got all the info from windows
( Dual boot) . Or should i just purchase another sound card?

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