I have posted this same message for two weeks now on the comp.protocols.smb
group and comp.os.linux.networking and gotten no responses what-so-ever. So I'm
hoping someone in here will be able to help me.

I recently removed my older version of samba and installed 2.0.6
I then set up the smb.conf and ran testparm -s smb.conf | head - 10.
I got an error message - 
error in loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libreadline.so.3: undefined symbol:
I checked my hd for the library and found -
I checked my mandrake cd for the library to reinstall it and could not find
this one library on the cd. I have checked several web sites and have not found
this one library.
Are these differant versions conflicting with each other? How do I resolve
this? I can't use samba at all until this is fixed. It fails on bootup and of
course shutdown. I can't get this machine connected to my network at all till
this is fixed.

Chip Wiegand

<<< Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly >>>
                         Robert F. Kennedy

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