On Sun, 19 Dec 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  |  Can some please help me . l'v tried to connect to the internet with Mandrake 6.5
  |  everything go,s well press connect and then it happens "initializing program" (or 
something like that ) and then nothing. and now l'm left with windoze  lnter 
explorer.(great).      thanx.
  |                              G@vin
  |                              ----------

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The most dificult part of this responce is reading thru the HTML. I use a
text-only mail reader, and I'd appreciate it if you would turn off the HTML
when sending to this list, it'll save me a headache or two.

If you are using kppp to connect to the internet, you can click the setup
button , then the Modem tab, then the Query modem button to make sure that you
are accessing the modem. You should get a window indicating the responces
from your modem which will include the modem name, firmware version, features,
etc. You must also set up your modem to dial your ISP - if you use AOL, there
may be a problem, but I'm not sure of that - and DNS info etc. If you do not
get the previously indicated information, you should make sure that kppp is
trying to use the ttys port (COM port) your modem is connected on.

If you are using a winmodem (most PCI modems are Winmodems), sorry you are out
of luck - they do not work with Linux as far as I know.

If you do not use KDE or the kppp utility, I can not be of much help since I
have been using kppp since I started using Mandrake - it's just so easy to set
up and I'm sooo lazy!



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