First, you must be certain...your modem is NOT a winmodem...or a PCI
modem....then, make sure you have linux seeing it on the right port.
try using all the com ports under  ttyS0,ttyS1, etc.
also try /dev/modem at the top...
what modem is it?

On 21 Dec 99, at 3:11, Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. wrote:

> On Sun, 19 Dec 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   |  
>   |  Can some please help me . l'v tried to connect to the internet
>   with Mandrake 6.5 |  everything go,s well press connect and then it
>   happens "initializing program" (or something like that ) and then
>   nothing. and now l'm left with windoze  lnter explorer.(great).     
>   thanx. |  |  |                              G@vin |                 
>               ---------- |  
> ----------------------------------------
> Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-Description: 
> ----------------------------------------
> The most dificult part of this responce is reading thru the HTML. I
> use a text-only mail reader, and I'd appreciate it if you would turn
> off the HTML when sending to this list, it'll save me a headache or
> two.
> If you are using kppp to connect to the internet, you can click the
> setup button , then the Modem tab, then the Query modem button to make
> sure that you are accessing the modem. You should get a window
> indicating the responces from your modem which will include the modem
> name, firmware version, features, etc. You must also set up your modem
> to dial your ISP - if you use AOL, there may be a problem, but I'm not
> sure of that - and DNS info etc. If you do not get the previously
> indicated information, you should make sure that kppp is trying to use
> the ttys port (COM port) your modem is connected on.
> If you are using a winmodem (most PCI modems are Winmodems), sorry you
> are out of luck - they do not work with Linux as far as I know.
> If you do not use KDE or the kppp utility, I can not be of much help
> since I have been using kppp since I started using Mandrake - it's
> just so easy to set up and I'm sooo lazy!
> HTH,
> Ernie

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