Linux is not like other OS . It's very very difficult to operate if you have no
idea about unix envir.., KDE or GNOME GUI not able to slove or make easy to operate
linux like windowz. Please learn HOWTO's and MAN pages. and some good books of
linux or unix. First of all if you have windowz 95/97/98 , please delete or remove
windowz from your computer. please follow this instruction to install StarOffice :-

 mount /mnt/cdrom
 mc [midnight commander will appear]
 staroffice 5.1 ....rpm
[ now installation begin,you see ##### like this appear]
start KDE
in console type:-
 cd /opt/Office51/bin
 ./setup /net
[ staroffice setup screen will appear, now complete your setup]
go to your user account:
in console type again what you did in KDE root.

that's all.
if you face any problem please write.
satyajit das

"José V. Moyano" wrote:

    Hello, I'm absolutely new in Linux, I don't have any idea yet, just
trying what this well-told OS can offer me. I've a CD with the SO 5.1,
but the only thing I can do is just clicking an icon labeled
"s051a_li_34.tar", but the system retrieves me "impossible to show the
contents of the directory" or something similar. The only other icon is
labeled "trans.tbl", and appears empty when clicked.

    Could you help me to install -step by step- this application, or
maybe is it damaged?

    Anyway, could you recommend me a entry-level book about Linux?

Thank yoy very much


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