... maybe.  Xconfigurator does an okay job, but the last time I used 
it (Mandrake 6.0, I think) it would not set the DefaultColorDepth line 
even if you did not pick a resolution for a color depth other than 8-bit.

if you have XF86Setup installed, that may work better.  If not, then
you'll have to (gasp!) edit an ASCII config file by hand.

Depending on what monitor settings you want to change, though, xvidtune
may the utility for you.  It's hard to say; you weren't very verbose in
your e-mail.

-Matt Stegman

On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Joe Brault wrote:
>       I have a question for you all.  I recently did a dual boot on my Gateway 
> Solo laptop with Win98 and Linux-Mandrake 6.5.  I had an easy time 
> installiing the operating system, however, I need to change my monitor 
> settings.  Is there an easy command to use for this?  I can see my screen, 
> but it is quite large as is now... Thanks in advance as always!

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