On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Mark Dawkins wrote:
  |  Hey I am a new Linux user (Linux mandrake 6.0 or 6.5 I forget) and I am
  |  trying to configure my modem but I keep getting an error message that states
  |  can not open modem. The users guide states that I have to setup permissions
  |  for a user to be able to use the modem . I have a users called Marcos the
  |  home directory is /home/marcos . How do I setup permissions for this user to
  |  be able to access the modem  so that I can then setup a PPP account to
  |  access the Internet through my ISP.
  |  Any suggestion or ideas are appreciated.
  |  Rgds
  |  Mark Dawkins
  |  Phone (301)838-5047
  |  Pager 1(888)371-8470
  |  email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Log on as "root", then run linuxconf either from a command line or by clicking
the icon on the KDE desktop. Next select "networking", then ppp at the bottom
of the list. If the button is not visible (in KDE), hold the ALT key while
draging the linuxconf window up until you can see the ppp button. As you set up
pppd, you will see a check box to allow users to connect, click it if there is
not a check mark in the box. Finally, exit back out of all the opened levels,
and linuxconf will ask you to "activate the changes". Do so and the job is done.



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