Sam Roza wrote:
> Steve, all,
> Thanks for the replies. Ok, I've edited and all of that, but I can't seem to
> find the right combos(noaccel still doesn't work, just locks up)...

You might try the release notes for 3.3.5 at the XFree website.  They
might have better information about any problems with using the Cirrus
chipset.  XFree is at

> Now I've discovered that I can get my plain GUI to work excellently, but the
> KDE desktop just locks up. Not sure why it locks up when it should just look
> crappy.

What do you mean "plain GUI"?  You mentioned in an earlier message that
you were going to boot with "linux 3"... that will get you just plain
text mode that doesn't have much to do with video card resolutions at
> When the "can you see this message" message pops up after setting up,
> everything looks good until the countdown numbers change, then it fails to
> redraw, and all of the numbers and letters write over each other. Makes me
> think this is a Monitor issue...

Well, the monitor only draws what the video card tells it to.  I'd look
into to see if there are any messages from other Cirrus users
that might point out what sorts of problems they've encountered.
> My monitor is a Compaq V70 17" monitor Hor. sync 30-69 and Vert. 37.5
> @1280x1024. It is not in the monitor list, and when I set custom params, I
> choose the closest to it, and I get garbage, go as low as possible...same
> effect.

Are you comfortable editing /etc/X11/XF86Config?  You can set the
correct parameters in that file.  Won't make alot of difference until
you get the video card issues sorted out though...

Steve Philp, MCSE / MCP+I
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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