You have encountered the 1024th cylinder boundry.  LILO and the initial 
Linux boot files must reside below the 1024th cylinder (first 7.88GB of the 
hard disk).  The /boot directory contains these files.  You should create a 
small Linux partition (20Mb is plenty) and mount it as /boot.  Create that 
20Mb partition first so that it resides around the 6Gb mark.  Checkout for suggestions on 
the rest of your partitions.

To reinstall (completely), just run the same installation process again 
(just putting the boot.img disk in).

>From: Ernesto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [newbie] Suggestions
>Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 15:10:06 -0500
>Merry christmas to everybody.
>I would like some suggestions.
>I have a 13.6gb drive. I am using around 6gb. in 3 win partitions. The
>rest of the space I would like to use for linux. So I tried to use all
>of the 7 gigs in the root - "/", but disk druid would not let me, the
>max I think was 1860MB. So I would like some suggestions on how I should
>manage the 7 gigs for linux. I would like to keep the 3 win partitions
>intact if possible. Could some one give a suggestion for the following:
>*size of root - which I think should contain /etc, /bin, /sbin, /lib,
>and /dev
>*size of any of the others and how I should mount them
>I have 92 MB of RAM (4 for on-board video card)
>I also would like to know how to mount them on disk druid... I know that
>root is simply "/", but what about say... /usr, do I write "/usr" or
>Also can I change the size later - or mount things in different places?
>and lastly - to reinstall (completely), can I just run the same
>installation process again (just putting the boot.img disk in)?
>Thank you very much.
>Happy holidays
>Ernesto Bartels.
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